View & vote on potential future projects that are in the pipeline.
Each page answers the questions to What?, Why?, How?, Where?, and When? and has a Feedback section for you to cast your vote and leave a comment.
Remote controlled lawnmower

Robotic mowers are all good and well. But why not have a mower you can control wirelessly?
Custom Rheumatoid arthritis computer mouse

Rheumatoid arthritis has made my hands wonky meaning that I use a computer mouse sideways. So, why not make a custom mouse to suit my custom grip?
Petrol powered mobility scooter

I have the chassis of a mobility scooter and a 2 stroke petrol engine from a small quad bike. Why not marry the two together?
Free electric: wind turbine

With price of electric these days, I wonder how long it would take to see a return on investment?

We have some scrap lead from the leaded-light of our old front door. Would to be cool to cast something.
Weather Station 2: Electric boogaloo

Fettling the design of the original Weather Station while adding new features and connectivity.

As requested by a colleague: A gun turret that shoots wine gums (or something like that). I already have a 2 DOF turret, so how hard can it be?