It’s a mobility scooter powered by a 50cc petrol motor from a child’s quad bike.
Because I have the chassis of a mobility scooter as well as the petrol engine from a quad bike.
How (much) ?!
On the face if it, this is easy: simply mount the motor to the chassis!
This seemingly simple project gets more complex when you realise that the engine needs rebuilding, the throttle control will need major overhaul and the brakes on the mobility scooter never really worked.
In terms of monetary cost; everything should be from ‘stock’ so the outlay for this would hopefully be £0.00
While this pointless endeavour in to a dying technology does tickle my pickle, let’s get the quad project finished first.
Built in the garage, tested on the ‘road’.
Realistically, this project is not a legal invalid carriage, nor will it be any other legal form of motor vehicle so it has no real place in the world. (Maybe that’s why I feel a certain affinity towards this project).
Do you think this project idea is worth pursuing? Do you think this acorn of an idea could grow in to a mighty oak tree; or is it destined to become squirrel poop? Cast your vote below! Also feel free to leave any comments at the bottom of the page.

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