Answering all of the important question about this potential future project.

This will be a fully functioning lawn mower; but instead of pushing it, you control it with a remote controller.
Mowing the lawn is laborious and can’t be done while sat down. Robotic lawnmowers don’t collect the clippings, struggle with longer grass, and tend to cut in a random patterns. So this will offer the capability and control of a standard mower but with the ease of a robotic lawnmower.
How (much)?!
The current ‘design’ would be fitting an existing corded electric mower with four motors, each powering a single wheel independently. A stepdown transformer would provide suitable power and control would be via an Arduino and H-bridges.
The controller would feature buttons for forward, reverse and spin in both directions to guide the mower. There would also be a separate switch for the blade so that you can disable it while traversing non-lawned areas.
Communications between the controller and the mower would be handled with and nRF24L01 modules.
Effectively, this will be building on the original battle bot design and making it significantly more dangerous.
In regards to cost; an initial estimation puts the build at about £300. This could be reduced if a cheap donor mower could be sourced, but there is still a large investment in motors, controllers and power transformers.
Due to space and funds, this project hinges on the completion and sale of the quad.
The inherent safety implications means that this will be constructed in the garage and only ever used on the back lawn. This is also compounded by the corded power supply that will only provide a range as long as your extension cable.
Do you think this project idea is worth pursuing? Do you think this acorn of an idea could grow in to a mighty oak tree; or is it destined to become squirrel poop? Cast your vote below! Also feel free to leave any comments at the bottom of the page.

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