In short: It’s a custom computer mouse to suit my custom hand.
In long: the rheumatoid arthritis in my wrists and hand hands has caused something called ‘ulnar deviation’. This forces the fingers of the effected hand to veer outwards and is particularly prominent in my dominant (right) hand. As a result I have issues when using a standard computer mouse.

How (much)?!
The plan is simple:
- Create a clay model based on the shape of my grip
- Scan model in 3D
- Edit the model to fit an existing mouse chassis
- 3D print the revised model
- ….
- Profit?!
To be honest; this was the real impetus behind the 3D scanner project. But I feel like that photogrammetry would be a better route to take.
In terms of cost; I’m not sure. The clay is about £6, I have a sacrificial mouse that can me butchered. But experience tells me there will be many unforeseen R&D costs.
Depends on the acquisition of new skills; namely in photogrammetry and 3D model editing.
For the moment, I’ll continue to use my mouse sideways and operate the buttons with my thumb (as demonstrated in the header image).
While the project will be localised within my workspace, there is potential for global expansion to anyone with a similar hand condition!
Do you think this project idea is worth pursuing? Do you think this acorn of an idea could grow in to a mighty oak tree; or is it destined to become squirrel poop? Cast your vote below! Also feel free to leave any comments at the bottom of the page.

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