Effectively this would be building on the basis of the original weather station while adding more features and connectivity.
There are two main driving forces for this project:
- A thirst for data. Particularly climate data.
- This data can advise on the viability of the wind turbine project.
How (much)?!
In order to provide data on wind and rain, additional sensors are required. These need designing, fabricating and testing.
In addition to this, I hoped to be able to post the data to this website. Unfortunately, this comes at an unknown monthly cost as my current subscription doesn’t cover access to cPanel.
Unknown. This project enters my mind every time I see the news about record temperatures, freak storms and extensive droughts. Yet, it seems no closer to fruition.
The external sensor unit will be outside.
An internal base station will be inside.
Ideally, there will also be data about clouds on the clouds, too.
Do you think this project idea is worth pursuing? Do you think this acorn of an idea could grow in to a mighty oak tree; or is it destined to become squirrel poop? Cast your vote below! Also feel free to leave any comments at the bottom of the page.

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