Laser Cut Punching Cradle

Hello and congratulations on scanning the QR code.

You probably have many questions. So here is a short list of FAQs to help guide you through this strange time.

What is it?

It is a punch cradle, specifically for book binding. Once assembled, the final product should look like this:

Paper not included

How do I assemble this?

The model should friction fit, however, it’s still loose. If you want to make the structure more solid then add a PVA/wood glue to any mating/interlocking surfaces.

Take special note of the orientation of the stop end. The white plastic parts should face inwards to support the end of the paper. I have included an interactive 3D model to assist you.

What is this black stuff on my hands?

Apparently when you vaporize wood with a laser, it creates a burnt edge along the remaining material. This carbon deposit is what is getting on your hands.

IS this “carbon deposit” harmful?

I dunno, maybe? It’s probably alright considering we are a carbon-based life form and eat toast (which has something to do with carbon). That being said; I probably wouldn’t lick the edges. This isn’t toast.

How do I get rid of this “carbon deposit”?

Again, I don’t know. However, I’ve already asked the question – here are the answers: How do you finish your wood projects? : lasercutting (

Did you think of this yourself?

No. I saw someone else do it and thought I could do better.

Can I return this?

No. Fuck off.

So, what now?…

I hope it works. Please leave a comment below if you have any recommendations!

In the meantime, happy book binding!

One thought on “Laser Cut Punching Cradle”

  1. This was a delightful surprise, and my hands are only marginally black! It also creates a rather nice smell, but that might be because I’m weird…

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